The Red-throated Loon, which has been present for several days at Park 
Point in Duluth, was seen again today on L Superior from the 12th 
Street beach access. Also seen today from this location was a 
Short-eared Owl which flew in off the lake and was lost from sight 
behind the dunes several blocks to the south of 12th St. I was unable 
to relocate the Pacific Loon which had been seen again on Saturday on 
the lake out from 22nd St. on Park Point.

It appears that the big Black-backed Woodpecker influx along the North 
Shore (especially during the previous 2 days!) has either peaked or the 
weather today was just not conducive to much movement. I am aware of 
only 5 or 6 individuals being seen this morning between Duluth and 
Knife River, and I could only find 2 Boreal Chickadees.

Kim Eckert


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