Both days had similiar birds, although perhaps more of everything today

Thousands of Canada Goose - some paired on muskrat houses
Cackling Goose (I don't have a good feel for numbers)
White Fronted Goose - Thousand at least (flocks of fifty everywhere)
Snow Geese - Thousands
Mallards - Hundreds or thousands
Pintails - Hundreds at least
Widgeon -
Green-winged teal
Common Mergansers
Other Waterfowl

Ring billed Gulls - 10s
Robins - Hundreds
Cedar Waxwings - Hundreds or thousands
Purple Finch - At least 3 likely more
Goldfinch - many
N Shrike - one
Bald Eagles - Ten at least

Blackbird numbers seemed to increase until sunday evening.  Sunday evening
many single singing males.  No large flocks seen.

That should give some of you a feel for what is comming your way,

Brad Bolduan

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