Yesterday and again today (8 April), I observed a Townsend's Solitaire  
on Park Point, Duluth. Yesterday, the bird was in a crab apple tree  
near 37th Street. Today, presumably the same bird was refound farther  
out on the point, past the bus turnaround -- between the last two  
houses on Park Point.
Again today at the Recreation Area, there were hundreds of Common  
Mergainsers and Common Goldeneyes, and dozens of Hooded Mergansers,  
Pied-billed Grebes, and diving ducks in the bay between the ballfields  
and the Sky Harbor Airport. The birds are relatively close and it's  
fascinating to watch them feed, preen, call, and court one another.  
Including Park Point and the harbor near the WLSSD treatment plant off  
27th Ave West, I counted over 1,300 goldeneyes in the Duluth area  
today. The female Black Scoter is still at the 27th Ave West location.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

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