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Pastor Al Schirmacher asked me to pass along that he heard a tufted 
titmouse on Rice Lake NWR this morning.  The tufted titmouse was near the 
beaver pool on the western end of the Wildlife Drive.  Rice Lake NWR is 
located 5 miles south of McGregor on State Hwy 65.  Al also observed 13 
warbler species on the refuge including Northern parula, Cape May, and 
black-throated green.

Michelle McDowell
Wildlife Biologist
Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge
McGregor, MN
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<br><font size=2><b>Pastor Al Schirmacher</b></font><font size=2 
asked me to pass along that he heard a tufted titmouse on Rice Lake NWR
this morning. &nbsp;The tufted titmouse was near the beaver pool on the
western end of the Wildlife Drive. &nbsp;Rice Lake NWR is located 5 miles
south of McGregor on State Hwy 65. &nbsp;Al also observed 13 warbler species
on the refuge including Northern parula, Cape May, and black-throated 
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Cheers,</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Michelle McDowell<br>
Wildlife Biologist<br>
Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge<br>
McGregor, MN<br>
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