[mou] Two Harbors golf course

2008-10-21 Thread John Green
Yesterday October 20th at the Two Harbors golf course: 250 Canada Geese of at least two races 22 Cackling Geese 1 blue morph Lesser Snow Goose 1 Ross's Goose 23 Mallards 1 Pintail 2 Tree Sparrows Also at the Duluth Township cemetery (Velkommen

[mou] Two Harbors

2007-10-22 Thread Jim Williams
On the pathway beginning at the Two Harbors lighthouse Monday morning: Black-backed Woodpecker Northern Three-toed Woodpecker Pileated Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Y-b Sapsucker both kinglets Brown Creeper many chickadees in migration Along Alseth Road, Stony Point: Pine

[mou] Two Harbors to Duluth...

2007-10-20 Thread sc...@aol.com
9/20/07, Started birding at lighthouse point in Two Harbors, turned up well over 100 robins having quite a time of it gorging themselves on Mountain Ash, which seems profuse on the trail that runs along the point- Bring on the bohemian waxwings:), two sharp shinned hawks flew low and over

[mou] Two Harbors/Canal Park Birds

2006-11-11 Thread Mike Hendrickson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0025_01C705B6.5B7F88E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I got a call from Mark Ochs to meet him and Paul Budde in Two Harbors to = do some birding. We started out at

[mou] Two Harbors-larks and longspurs

2006-10-22 Thread josep...@umn.edu
We were up at Two Harbors yesterday and, alas, no woodpeckers. At the golfcourse we did see the Ross's Geese, Cackling Geese and Snow Geese in all their plumages. A real treat for us was the small flock of Lapland Longspurs and Horned larks just up the road from the golf course entrance. We

[mou] Two Harbors Boreal owl

2005-02-28 Thread Bernard P. Friel
Has anyone located the Boreal Owl in the last two days , and if so could you advise me where it was seen, or if any have been seen elsewhere in the last two days? Thanks for your help. Bernie Friel -- Bernard P. Friel Web Page - http://www.wampy.com

[mou] Two Harbors, Lake Co. sightings

2004-01-12 Thread Jim Lind
I did a little birding around Two Harbors on Sunday and found a few interesting things. Hoary Redpoll - seen briefly near feeder in town at 6th Avenue and 8th Street. Redpoll and Pine Siskin flocks seemed to be moving all around town, especially on the west side of town. Red Crossbill -