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As I was walking this morning around the Elementary School grounds, I =
noticed a dead bird at the base of an outside wall.  I picked up the =
bird and was going to dispose of it in a nearby woods.  However, when I =
picked it up, I noticed it was quite a beautiful bird and one I had not =
seen before.  I took it home with me and checked for identification in =
my birding atlas.  I still could not find a definative match.  I am =
hoping someone may be able to assist in the identificatin of this bird.

The bird is approximately 5 inches in length with a conical bill.  There =
is a bit of black above its bill with its head being a mottled light =
brown and white.  Underneath its bill is a small patch of white that =
circles completely around its head.  Beneath the white is a thin ring of =
brown that circles around its front to its back.  It's entire back is a =
mottled light brown and black.  Its inner wings are a mottled light =
brown and black.  The center of its wings are pure white.  Its outer =
wings follow a black, white, black, white pattern with the ends big =
black with a very narrow white band at the tips.  The tail is notched =
and esssentially black with the same narrow white band at its tip.  It's =
breast is white with black underneath.  I'm thinking it may be a =
juvenile who had not fully devloloped yet.  Nevertheless, it is a very =
pretty bird. =20

I would appreciate any help with identification.
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>As I was walking this morning around =
the Elementary=20
School grounds, I noticed a dead bird at the base of an outside =
wall.&nbsp; I=20
picked up the bird and was going to dispose of it in a nearby =
However, when I picked it up, I noticed it was quite a beautiful bird =
and one I=20
had not seen before.&nbsp; I took it home with me and checked for =
in my birding atlas.&nbsp; I still could not find a definative =
match.&nbsp; I am=20
hoping someone may be able to assist in the identificatin of this=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The bird is approximately 5 inches in =
length with a=20
conical bill.&nbsp; There is a bit of black above its bill with its head =
being a=20
mottled light&nbsp;brown and white.&nbsp; Underneath its bill is a small =
of white that circles completely around its head.&nbsp; Beneath the =
white is a=20
thin ring of brown that circles around its front to its back.&nbsp; It's =
back is a mottled light brown and black.&nbsp; Its inner wings are a =
light brown and black.&nbsp; The center of its wings are pure =
white.&nbsp; Its=20
outer wings follow a black, white, black, white pattern with the ends =
big black=20
with a very narrow white band at the tips.&nbsp; The tail is notched and =

esssentially black with the same narrow white band at its tip.&nbsp; =
It's breast=20
is white with black underneath.&nbsp; I'm thinking it may be a juvenile =
who had=20
not fully devloloped yet.&nbsp; Nevertheless, it is a very pretty =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I would appreciate any help with=20


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