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Saturday the 2nd I was delighted to have great looks at the 3 Gray-crowned 
Rosy-finches at the previously posted location.   I saw them from about 
1:10-1:25.   A very nice gentleman who was working there came out to tell us 
that the 
birds had been around almost continuously all morning. It seems they hang 
around longer with fewer people coming and going from the business.   I heard 
other reports of folks who successfully saw the birds after 2:00.
Today, Sunday the 3rd, I chased over to Pt. Douglas Park, Washington Cty.   
While the White-winged Scoter was still around (at 1st mid-distance out, but 
near the MN shoreline, later flying in close to the land bridge but still 
hugging the MN shore), the Greater White-fronted Geese were nowhere to be 
The golden-eyes were too far out to sort out any possible Barrow's.   I 
observed the WW Scoter (1st spotted by Doug K.) from about 2:30-3:15ish.
Linda Sparling
Hennepin County

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">Saturday the 2nd I was delighted to hav=
e great looks at the 3 Gray-crowned Rosy-finches at the previously posted lo=
cation.&nbsp;  I saw them from about 1:10-1:25.&nbsp;  A very nice gentleman=
 who was working there came out to tell us that the birds had been around al=
most continuously all morning. It seems they hang around longer with fewer p=
eople coming and going from the business.&nbsp;  I heard other reports of fo=
lks who successfully saw the birds after 2:00.<BR>
Today, Sunday the 3rd, I chased over to Pt. Douglas Park, Washington Cty.&nb=
sp;  While the White-winged Scoter was still around (at 1st mid-distance out=
, but near the MN shoreline, later flying in close to the land bridge but st=
ill hugging the MN shore), the Greater White-fronted Geese were nowhere to b=
e found.&nbsp;  The golden-eyes were too far out to sort out any possible Ba=
rrow's.&nbsp;  I observed the WW Scoter (1st spotted by Doug K.) from about=20=
Linda Sparling<BR>
Hennepin County</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANS=


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