A group of Rochester and southern birder birded Beltrami and Lake of the 
Woods County this weekend.  Among the highlights were Saturday Feb. 17:

Two Northern Hawk Owls in Beltrami County at St. Hi. 72 at mile marker 49.

Two Black-backed Woodpeckers and Boreal Chickadee in Beltrami County at 
St Hi. 72 at milepost 25.

Six Short-eared Owls in Lake of the Woods County  along County Rd. 1 
along the portion running due west of St. Hi. 72

On Sunday

Varied Thrush,  White-winged Crossbills and American Robin by St. Mary's 
Catholic Church on the north side of Warroad, Roseau Cty.

Varied Thrush and Fox Sparrow at a house northwest of Baudette on the 
Rainy River in Lake of the Woods County.

Two Snowy Owls in Lake of the Woods County one just west of St. Hi. 72 
on County 16 and the other on St. Hi. 72 at milepost 62.  

Also seen were good numbers of Sharp-tailed Grouse and Pine Grosbeaks in 
both counties and Hoary Redpolls at several feeders in Lake of the Woods 

Doug Johnson
Bemidji, MN

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