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Well, it took almost all winter but I have a Hoary Redpoll  today.  He is 
coming in with the flock of commons which number  around 75.  We've also got a 
flock of Bohemian Waxwings which have  been hanging around since last Saturday 
-- of course I haven't seen  them today since I have a chance to post.  They've 
been between my  house and my mother's just to the north of me.  They sure 
have been  vocal.  The flock is relatively small, maybe 30 birds.  
Otherwise the usuals -  RB Nuthatches, Chickadees, Pine Grosbeaks,  Evenings 
flew over three days ago, Hairys, Downys, Juncos, Siskins, occ.  Goldfinch, 
Blue Jays, Crows, and Doves (though not seen for about two  weeks).  GGOW not 
seen here for about a month.  

Chris  Elmgren
Gnesen township,
Duluth, St. Louis  County

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<DIV>Well, it took almost all winter but I have a Hoary Redpoll=20
today.&nbsp;&nbsp;He&nbsp;is coming in with the flock of commons which numbe=
around 75.&nbsp; We've also got a&nbsp;flock of Bohemian Waxwings which have=
been hanging around&nbsp;since&nbsp;last Saturday -- of course I haven't see=
them today since I&nbsp;have a chance to post.&nbsp; They've been between my=
house and my mother's just to the north of me.&nbsp; They sure have been=20
vocal.&nbsp;&nbsp;The flock&nbsp;is relatively small, maybe 30 birds.&nbsp;=20
<DIV>Otherwise the usuals - &nbsp;RB Nuthatches, Chickadees, Pine Grosbeaks,=
Evenings flew over three days ago, Hairys, Downys, Juncos, Siskins, occ.=20
Goldfinch, Blue Jays, Crows, and Doves (though not seen for about two=20
weeks).&nbsp; GGOW not seen here for about a month.=20
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
Elmgren<BR>Gnesen township,<BR>Duluth, St. Louis=20


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