Stopped at lake Bylessby yesterday afternoon and found an interesting gull.

The gull appeared to be slightly larger than the Herring Gulls it was 
associating with.  It appeared to be a first year bird
with pure white head and mottled beige plummage.  Wingtips were light dirty 
brown.  The wing tips looked to light for a
Herring, but too dark for a Glaucous Gull.  Bill was tipped with black.

Pectoral Sandpipers: 26
G. Yellowlegs 3
L. Yellowlegs  3

Other birds of note:
Hermit Thrush - cooperative bird that I was able to share with a group of Cub 
Loggerhead Shrike - pair east of 140th Street Marsh, near the exit gate.
Am. White Pelican - over 200 at Lake Bylessby
Good var. of ducks at Bylessby, but nothing unusal.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan

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