I spotted a Golden Eagle on US 75 on the north side of Argyle MN yesterday
and a my neighbor (2 miles east of the Audubon Center), Faith Rud counted
40+ Bald Eagles overhead and in trees yesterday afternoon.  This morning I
spotted more than a dozen Bald Eagles flying over the Audubon Center.  The
crab apples at the Audubon Center were full of American Robins this morning
and late this afternoon I spotted a lone Townsend's Solitaire.  I spotted 4
American Kestrels and 3 Northern Harriers yesterday.  Rough-legged Hawks
are still here.  Lots of Canada Geese calling overhead.

Heidi Hughes
Agassiz Audubon Society
27391  190th Street NW
Warren MN  56762


http://AgassizAudubon.blogspot.com <http://agassizaudubon.blogspot.com/>
http://OnLakeAgassiz.blogspot.com <http://onlakeagassiz.blogspot.com/>

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