As I loaded my luggage into the car to go to the airport this week, six White-winged Crossbills, emitting raucous longspuresque rattles, settled down in my raggedy Pitch Pine that overhangs my driveway. They jumbled about and then zipped off very energetically. Is it me or does their flight pattern seem much more speedy and energetic than other finches we see here in MN? Even Red Crossbills seem to flock more regularly and fly more directly, White-winged Crossbills usually go for a swirling Busby Berkley entrance and exit. New yard bird, and up till now my favorite yard bird was Jeff Beck...( I suspect you must be aged 40-65 to understand this non-sequitur). Oh, and by the way, there was a 84 degree difference from Minneapolis to where I am this week - Mexico City... Good Birding!
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