Two days ago I came across a Bell's Vireo North of Little Falls in Belle 
Park. I took notes, checked books, went on the net, drew pictures (being and 
artist and art teacher) , researched habitat, matched the sound to my Stoke's 
cd and found out the bird has never been reported in Morrison County. My 
problem is I was alone and have a very good digital camera, but, because of a 
knee injury it was to much to take with. This was my last ho rah for awhile 
because the next morning I went in for knee surgery. But, its been good 
because reading the postings from Al, Mike, and Steve about reporting, 
reports not being accepted, and those bad Good Ole Boys or Girls Club 
members, that seem to be a nemesis to some bird reporters, has been very 
educational. I think all of us have been frustrated at one time because we felt 
we weren't taken seriously by a committee or so called elite birder. Even the 
best birders in the state can attest to this. I liked Mike's 
response saying: “Who are these so called Good Old Boys and I would sure like 
to meet them". The fact is, like Steve Weston, I have been rejected by the 
MOU Committee on several occasions when I was sure I saw a rare bird and I 
am thankful we have a serious committee that requires in depth 
authentication. This makes the MOU more reputable and makes me more 
accountable. Don't stop reporting. There are some very good reports about 
rare birds being in abnormal areas (Blue Grosbeak and Yellow Throated Warbler 
in Duluth area) which still haven't been substantiated, but, the more people 
who see them adds to the validity. In my case I called upon a few birders from 
my circle and I hope they find the bird which would make the report 
more credible. Beyond this,there's to much to learn from people like Jeannie 
Jopru, Bob Jansen, Denny & Barb Martin, Laura Coble, Richard Wood, Milt 
Blomberg, Herb Dingman, Ron Erpelding, Carol Nimlos, Kim, Mike, Steve, Peder 
and the list goes on, to let political ho hum and hurt feelings get in the way 
a passion we all enjoy. So buck it up and move on, because you are all very 
important to the world of birding, even if your sightings are not accepted in a 
book. Just seeing the report on the net and running down the location has 
proved to be very fruitful, even if I didn't find the bird when I got there. So 
good birding, good relationships, and I hope my Belle's may be authenticated 
some day

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