7:15 - 11:30am
Lake Byllesby

To say that birding at Byllesby lately has been slow is an understatement. 
Thus, I arrived early knowing that last night's big blow from the south would 
deliver shorebirds to Byllesby. I wasn't disappointed. The winds were very 
strong for the first hour and it was rather chaotic trying to get on the 
swirling masses of birds which seem to land only for brief moments. By 9:00am 
the winds moderated greatly making viewing much more comfortable. In all, there 
at least 1500 birds present, but counting was all species was impossible. Of 18 
shorebird species, some interesting ones included:

Hudsonian Godwit - 2 (they stayed for about 5 minutes).
Willet - 8
Sanderling - 2
Stilt Sp - 40
Both dowitchers
White-rumped Sp - several
Bairds' Sp - several
Wilson's Phalarope - 30
Dunlin - several
Least Sp - ~1000
Semipalmated Plover - ~ 300 (nope, no Piping)


Common Tern - 8
Forester's Tern - 10
Franklin's Gull - 40
Black Tern - 15 (flock flyover - getting to be a tough bird in Dakota in recent 
~1500 swallows of all species on the big lake and also roosting/feeding on the 
mudflats - great show.

Jim Mattsson

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