Here is a directly-copied email I sent out to the Oregon listserve a minute
ago. It contains the fun sightings  I had this past weekend as I explored
the Cascade Mountains for the first time, as well as the desert in eastern
Oregon (camped out 3 nights straight). I had many lifers, and really just
got to soak up the sights/sounds. I hope to see you up at Hawk Ridge in just
under two months :) Enjoy the photos.

This first gallery is a sampler of photos I took this weekend in the *Cascade
Mountains* and *sage desert* of Oregon. 10 photos in this gallery. Prairie
Falcon, Pygmy Nuthatch, American Avocet, Golden Eagle, Black-necked stilt,
unknown flycatcher, and more....

Two weekends ago I visited Fern Ridge (Eugene) and Dorris Ranch
(Springfield). The Dorris Ranch Gallery is completely new, and the recent
Fern Ridge photos were added to the older gallery.
*Dorris Ranch*

Spotted Towhee photo in gallery (favorite of mine)

Violet-green Swallow photo in gallery

*Fern Ridge* (click this first link to view this weekend's first photo, and
click "next" to see my most recently added photos, which are always added in
the order they were taken)

Immature Pied-billed Grebe, 1/2 submersed<>

Gorgeous Red-tailed Hawk

Now for the Weekend sightings!

This past weekend I explored the Cascade Mountain range, as well as the
desert immediately east of the mountains. To say I was wow-ed is an
understatement. The mountains are gorgeous as can be, and the desert is just
teeming with beautiful yet subtle colors, and bird life that is just
amazing... as with the colors in the sage desert where I was, there were
some really stunning colors too! The lime-green moss that grows on trees
just glows in the daytime, and the flowers of deep violet and bright yellow
are almost like gems. I couldn't help but get a little wordy and poetic for
a sec, because of the beauty out there.

On friday afternoon I camped out at Waldo Lake, east of Eugene in the
Cascades. Beautiful place! After the Gray Jays stole some cheerios that next
morning, and having a few land on my hand
Waldo Lake*

Spotted Sandpiper     3
Common Nighthawk     1
Gray Jay     6
Common Raven     3
Red-breasted Nuthatch     2
Brown Creeper     1
Swainson's Thrush     2
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     1
Townsend's Warbler     2

I then headed for Fort Rock. This place is amazing! I was hoping to catch a
glimpse of a Mountain Lion at one point, since the last one seen there was a
few days before I arrived. I saw my first PRAIRIE FALCON, SAGE SPARROW and

*Fort Rock*

California Quail     1
Turkey Vulture     3
Red-tailed Hawk     2
Ferruginous Hawk     1
Golden Eagle     1
American Kestrel     2
Prairie Falcon     2
Eurasian Collared-Dove     1
White-throated Swift     30
Common Raven     4
Rock Wren     1
Sage Thrasher     1
Brewer's Sparrow     1
Sage Sparrow     1

I arrived at Eastbay Campsite that afternoon (due east of Thompson's
Campground. This campsite is also straight south of Silver Lake (just east
of the Cascade Mountains, actually on the edge of the sage/scrub desert).
This list is of the next morning, birdwatching for 2 hours around the
campsite premises and short adjacent paths. I saw my first GREEN-TAILED

*Eastbay Campsite*

Gadwall     2
American Wigeon     6
Mallard     5
Bufflehead     5
Western Grebe     15
American White Pelican     20
Double-crested Cormorant     1
Great Blue Heron     1
Turkey Vulture     2
Red-tailed Hawk     1
Spotted Sandpiper     3
Ring-billed Gull     3
Caspian Tern     2
Forster's Tern     2
Mourning Dove     2
Common Nighthawk     1
Red-breasted Sapsucker     1
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)     1
Steller's Jay     2
American Crow     2
Common Raven     2
Mountain Chickadee     5
White-breasted Nuthatch     2
Pygmy Nuthatch     8
Brown Creeper     1
American Robin     5
European Starling     2
Cedar Waxwing     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     1
Green-tailed Towhee     1
Spotted Towhee     1
Song Sparrow     1
Red-winged Blackbird     2
Brewer's Blackbird     2

Later that day I went to Summer Lake and drove the wildlife loop. That place
is incredible! I took so many photos throughout the loop, and saw my first
SNOWY PLOVER (four total)! Also there were handfulls of AMERICAN AVOCETS and
BLACK-NECKED STILTS. Many Avocets were sitting on eggs!

*Summer Lake*

Wood Duck     2
Mallard     10
Cinnamon Teal     6
Pied-billed Grebe     6
Western Grebe     5
American White Pelican     15
Great Blue Heron     2
Great Egret     3
Black-crowned Night-Heron     2
Turkey Vulture     2
Osprey     1
Northern Harrier     1
Red-tailed Hawk     1
Golden Eagle     1
Prairie Falcon     2
Snowy Plover     4
Killdeer     1
Black-necked Stilt     25
American Avocet     20
Greater Yellowlegs     1
Western Sandpiper     1
Least Sandpiper     6
Ring-billed Gull     30
California Gull     100
Caspian Tern     3
Black Tern     12
Forster's Tern     3
Mourning Dove     2
Common Nighthawk     1
Common Raven     2
Tree Swallow     3
Marsh Wren     6
American Robin     3
Cedar Waxwing     1
Common Yellowthroat     8
Red-winged Blackbird     25
Western Meadowlark     1

My last day (monday) I left the campsite by 5:30am, and headed to Kalamath
Marsh NWR (only birdwatched a little bit, as the mosquitoes were just
overwhelming at times).

*Kalamath Marsh NWR*

Wood Duck     1
Mallard     6
Cinnamon Teal     2
Ruddy Duck     1
Pied-billed Grebe     4
Great Blue Heron     1
American Robin     4
Cedar Waxwing     2
Common Yellowthroat     2
Song Sparrow     3
Red-winged Blackbird     15
Western Meadowlark     1
Yellow-headed Blackbird     10

I then traveled to the stunning Crater Lake. CLARK'S NUTCRACKERS, STELLAR'S
JAYS and GRAY JAYS were all over. I spotted a really unique and sharp,
partial albino DARK-EYED JUNCO (Oregon race). I saw my first MARMOT around
8000ft up at Crater Lake too!
Crater Lake*

Gray Jay     3
Steller's Jay     4
Black-billed Magpie     2
Clark's Nutcracker     4
Common Raven     4
Mountain Chickadee     3
Brown Creeper     1
Townsend's Solitaire     1
American Robin     2
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     1
Purple Finch     4
Red Crossbill     10
Pine Siskin     35
American Goldfinch     5

Good birding,
Erik Bruhnke
Cottage Grove, OR

NATURALLY AVIAN - Bird photography and guided bird hikes

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