Frank Gosiak spotted a Common Gallinule as we re-turned to a spot birded 
earlier, beautifully plumaged, 6pm.  It was swimming out in the open for some 
time until a juvenile Ruddy Duck popped up from beneath it.  The Gallinule flew 
up with a fright and into the thick sedge of the pond structure. Find it along 
Peyton Ave SW (between CR1 and CR3, just north of Common St  NW --a county line 
road with McLeod).  The  "north" pond had Yellow-headed Blackbirds and Ruddy 
Ducks, the slough pond along the road in the middle had an Alder Flycatcher and 
the Gallinule, the "south" pond had many Great Egrets.  Other birds of note: 
Eurasian Collared Doves amid the farmsteads of the CR31--CR5 of McLeod and 
Wright, a Stilt Sandpiper and a few others in nearby Meeker County.  mjb
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