If you were a person just out for number counts, it was lacking, but, a very
nice day just to bird and enjoy the surroundings. Only 76 species reported.

Birds of note: 3 warblers  Yellow Rumped, Palm, Orange Crowned
                   shore birds.Wilson Snipe, Woodcock, Killdeer, American
Bittern, Sora
                    (heard an Upland Sandpiper but didn't see it) Coots.

 Blue Bird, Hermit & Swainsons Thrush, Martins, Grasshopper, Savanna, Swamp
Sparrows, Blue Gray Gnat Catcher,Northern Harrier, Broad Winged, Sharp
Shinned, Red Tailed Hawks, Bald Eagles. Plenty of Sandhill Cranes and Blue
Herons. Water fowl low with Lesser Scaup, Blue and Green Winged Teal, Red
Heads, Buffle Heads, Ring Necks, and Cormorant. 

Also, Went to the Sobieski and Flensburg sewage ponds and picked up a couple
of Wilsons Phalarope  and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs . 

Hope more shorebirds and Warblers will show soon. Nice group of people
showed and had a good time. Brunch was very good. Also, nice to see a few
very excited young birders.

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