Joined in the heavy cold wind by folks from the Brainerd Bird Club and a couple 
of hardy young families with early elementary aged children, we managed to 
sight 43 species on an adapted 2 mile saunter through the oak savannah and 
restored prairie.  Highlights, some new to the composite listing for this 
spring walk):  American Pipits (on the burned section of the entrance)!!  
Blue-Headed Vireo(2), Olive-sided Flycatcher, Wilson's & Chestnut-sided 
Warbler, many more B&Whites than usual. Orange-crowned Warblers(3), (9 warbler 
species total), Horned Grebes and Barred Owl.  Many notable misses, e.g., 
Catbird, yellow-throated vireo, B-Gray Gnatcatcher, Red-headed WoodpeckeY.   
Adding to the list of sightings outlying the NWR got us up near the 60-70 
specie count, of note Swainson's Hawk, Swainson's Thrush, Rose-breasted 
Grosbeak. mjb  

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