Spring is here!   We have a pair of Trumpeters hanging around on our lake.
 Hopefully they will raise a family here.  I think they represent a new
yard bird.  (I already have Tundra Swans & Ross's Goose).  The Hooded
Mergansers have been courting and hanging around by the Wood Duck house.  I
had a male Wood Duck perched in a tree by another house.  Watched a pair of
Hairy WP's copulating.  They almost fell out of the tree.

I was out right after dawn in a light rain walking 190th Street on the
south edge of U-More Park in Empire Township for the annual crane count.
I would have preferred to drive, but the road was not yet open.  I found
one Sand Hill Crane.   I do not think it had a mate.  It was quiet.  The
road was not, despite the lack of human noise.  I had Turkeys calling.
 Snipe winnowing, tons of Red-winged Blackbirds, Song Sparrows, and Chorus
Frogs filling the soundscape.  Other birds included Eastern Meadowlarks and
Northern Harrier.

I then went over to Randolph Industrial Park and Lake Byllesby, where I
encountered several friends.  Randolph had both Meadowlarks singing, FOY
Vesper Sparrows, a flock of 16 Snipe, and a Least Sandpiper.  For the day I
had 19 species of waterfowl and 6 shorebirds.  First of the Year birds
included Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, both Kinglets, and an Osprey.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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