Found about 2,000 divers, mostly Ring-necked Ducks, at Etter Bottoms. This is a 
flooded ag. field about 3/4 mi. east of Ravenna Trail on CR 18. A nice mix of 
species including Canvasback and they are very close to the road with good 
lighting. Dabblers also present in lower numbers. New for me today was Horned 
Grebe at Spring Lake RP. Present there also were 400 Cansvasbacks. Finally, I 
was able to study at close range about 150 Lapland Longspurs in the disced corn 
field at the Great Western Industrial Park north of Randolph. No surprises, 
however. Byllesby had 4 Greater White-fronts in addition the species mentioned 
by Jim O. 


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