Given this past weekend's extreme weather, it had been hoped that some 
significant rarities would appear in Duluth and vicinity, either blown in by 
gale-force NE winds on Lake Superior or displaced by the blizzard in the 
Dakotas. Although some interesting birds were found by my Minn Birding Weekends 
group, it was somewhat disappointing that more did not turn up here. Among the 
highlights found during often-difficult birding conditions on the 3-day MBW 
October 4-5-6:

- 2 Surf Scoters and Long-tailed Duck late Sunday on both the MN and WI sides 
of the Superior Entry
- 6 Am White Pelicans on Friday over Hwy 61 near Beaver Bay, Lake Co
- Thayer's Gulls (1 ad + 1 juv) on both sides of the Superior Entry on Sunday
- distant, unidentified jaeger late Sunday on both sides of the Superior Entry; 
it gave the impression of being a possible Pomarine, but positive ID was not 
- 2 late N Parulas on Sunday (McQuade Rd public access, Stony Point)
- Vesper Sparrow on Friday in Grand Marais, Cook Co
- late Scarlet Tanager on Sunday in Knife River, Lake Co

Also of note reported by other observers were Red-throated Loon and 
Black-billed Cuckoo on Sunday at Park Point (Jim Lind), and Black Tern at Park 
Point on Saturday (Mike Hendrickson).

Kim Eckert

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