In the time since I sent the message below I have received 20 more
responses. That brings the total to 48. I have been hoping for  a minimum of
50 responses; therefore, if any other MOU members have not yet responded to
the second (earliest) message below, please do so in the next few days.

Bob Holtz

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bob Holtz
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 6:47 PM
Subject: [mou-net] FW: [mou-net] U. of MN connection

I have received 28 responses to the message below. I suspect there are a few
more MOU members who are U. of Mn grads. If you are and have not yet
responded, it would be much appreciated if you would respond. Thank you.

Bob Holtz

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bob Holtz
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:10 PM
Subject: [mou-net] U. of MN connection

If you graduated from the University of Minnesota, you received an e-mail
describing the impact of graduates in the state and metro area. It struck me
that it might be of interest to see the university's impact on the MOU. With
that in mind, I

Would like to collect such data. If you are a U. of MN grad, would you be so
kind as to send me the following?


1.       Your name

2.       Year of graduation

3.       Degree(s) earned 

4.       Any comments concerning special connections for you between MOU and
the university.


Thanks. If there is any data sharing with the MOU it will all be anonymous. 


Bob Holtz

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