I've fielded a couple of inquiries and thought I'd offer 
Hey birders,

I've fielded a couple of inquiries and thought I'd offer details about the Rock 
Wren seen 11 October 2012 in Blue Earth County.  

There is a documentation of this individual on the MOU site and it was found by 
a family that belongs to my church.  They are interested in nature and pay 
attention to the birds in their backyard and found this bird poking around 
their rockwork on that day.  The bird has not been seen since.  They live in 
rural Mankato up toward Kasota and if you are familiar with that area, you know 
there are lots of quarries that are promising for that species.

I have asked them to keep me posted if the bird returns and will post to MOU if 
such an event occurs.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

P.S. The Bethany Hawkwatch passed the 1,900 bird mark last week and we saw our 
first Red-shouldered Hawk of the fall yesterday.  Check out 
www.hawkcount.org/bethany for counts.  A Red Crossbill also passed over the 
Bethany campus in the early morning while I was watching the morning passerine 
reorganization.  That was the 172nd species for our campus.
"But ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they 
will tell you; Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has 
done this?" --Job 12:7, 9

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