We've had scores of useful reports coming in the past few days on the
Minnesota Birding Facebook group.  I'll do my best to summarize some
highlights here, but I will not be able to provide a comprehensive report;
there is too much info to sift through.

Today (5/3/15):

In Crow Wing County, John Richardson reported a first county record
EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE "about a mile north of the rice paddies on St.
mathias Rd (co rd 21) in and around a horse pasture."

Jen Veith reported two HENSLOW'S SPARROWS and a BOBOLINK singing in the
prairie at Carpenter Nature Center (Washington Co).  Abe Simons and I
followed up on her report and found at least three singing Henslow's, but
we were unable to relocate the Bobolink.  Our best find was a flyover
SWAINSON'S HAWK, which circled once, giving us a good look, before it flew
off to the west.  We also found 8 other sparrow species, including LARK
place in Cottage Grove we found two RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS in my yard.
Later this afternoon, I found a GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER and a ROSE-BREASTED

Greg Jahner reported 55 species at the Grey Cloud Dunes SNA (Washington
Co), including 14 sparrow species.  Among them were HENSLOW'S SPARROW, LARK
SPARROW, HARRIS'S SPARROW (tough bird this far east), VESPER SPARROW (on
territory for a couple of weeks now), and large numbers of SAVANNAH SPARROW
and GRASSHOPPER SPARROW. The DNR did a controlled burn yesterday, and Greg
said the many sparrows were out in the open in the burn area.

Also in Washington County, Ben Douglas reported several BLUE-WINGED
WARBLERS back on territory at Afton State Park.

(NOTE: Both Afton State Park and the Grey Cloud Dunes now have many singing
Eastern Towhees and Brown Thrashers on territory every day.)

Meriah Jacobs-Frost reported 18 AMERICAN AVOCETS at Wahibo Marsh in Carver
County.  She cautions that viewing is only available from the busy HWY 10,
and that people should not enter the marsh.  Julie Zempel followed up on
the report and was able to photograph 20 Avocets.

Yesterday (5/2/15)

There were FOUR separate reports of NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD.  One was reported
at the Coon Rapids Dam (not sure what side), and has not been relocated.
Another was reported at Bunker Hills Regional Park (Andover, Anoka county),
and refound today by Bits Foerg.  A third individual was reported in Crow
Wing Co byt John Richardson.  It was refound and photographed today by
Elissa Gallien, "behind mills gm in Baxter on golf course drive." A fourth
individual was reported by Brad Boldaun at Eagle's Nest County Park between
St. James and Madelia in Watonwan County.

Meriah Jacobs-Frost reported a very early BLACKPOLL WARBLER in NW Carver

In Polk County, Sandy Aubol reported an UPLAND SANPIPER on Hwy along the
western edge of Glacial Ridge NWR.

Friday (5/1/15)

I had an early BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER at the Grey Cloud Dunes SNA in
Washington County.  Brian Clough reported another individual at the MVNWR
headquarters today (5/3), and Jason Lynn reported one at Carver Park
Reserve on 5/2.

Larry Sirvio reported a TUFTED TITMOUSE at Carpenter Nature Center
(Washington County), which was (presumably) relocated by a local resident
today in her yard.  Larry also reported displaying AMERICAN WOODCOCK and a
vocalizing EASTERN WHIP-POOR-WILL at Afton State Park after sunset.

Other arrivals being reported at various locations the past three days:
Green Heron, House Wren, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby-throated Hummingbird,
Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Swainson's Thrush, Orange-crowned
Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Yellow Warbler,
Northern Watershrush, Magnolia Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo, Great Crested
Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher, Lincoln's Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow,
Harris's Sparrow, and Grey Catbird.

Good birding!

Pete Nichols (co-admin of Minnesota Birding on Facebook)
Cottage Grove
Washington County

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