> From: Pamela olander <pamelaolander...@gmail.com>
> Date: November 11, 2015 at 2:54:02 PM CST
> To: woodduc...@gmail.com
> Subject: Birding in Duluth in Mid-Winter
> I am contacting you because I am interested in 
> possibly birding the Duluth area in late January/
> early February 2016 to see the owls and other
> bird species I'm unable to see here in Chicago.
> I was hoping you might be able to recommend
> an experienced guide or tour group; the ones 
> I've found online are extremely pricey.  Please 
> let me know of someone or of a group you would 
> recommend. I would greatly appreciate it.
> My dad grew up on the Iron Range so I understand
> how cold the winters are up there. :-0
> Thank you ~
> Sincerely,
> Pamela Olander

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