        As the representative for MOU to the Minnesota Environmental 
Partnership I am requested at times to use our web site to inform members of 
special events. The following is such an event. This event needs to be big. 

Tom Bell
Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Rd. S.
St. Paul Park, MN 55071 

> Moving Planet – A Day to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels
> Join with millions around the world for the International Moving Planet Event 
> on September 24th to call for bold action on climate change.  Here in 
> Minnesota, hundreds of people and dozens of organizations are working to 
> create a new sense of urgency for a transition to clean renewable energy. 
> This year’s event is about movement in every sense of the word. Not just the 
> big shoulder-to-shoulder campaign we’ve been building together, but also 
> actual, powerful, fun dramatic movement in the streets. 
> Moving Planet will begin on the Minnesota State Capitol lawn at 2pm-8:00pm 
> with resource tables hosted by organizations and businesses to educate and 
> inspire along with activities such as kite flying, food and music to enjoy.  
> At 3pm the Mass Bike Ride and the Interfaith Procession (Moving Planet-Moving 
> Faith) will arrive at the capitol lawn to kick-off the speaker program.  The 
> program is designed to examine the many dimensions of the climate movement 
> through local voices, highlighting the mosaic of voices and connections from 
> people and our places to climate change.  After the program we will host a 
> party with music by the New Primitives, Alicia Wiley and others.  Bring your 
> friends, family and neighbors to join in sending a clear message that 
> Minnesotans are rising to the challenge of the climate crisis.
> Moving Planet is a zero-waste, family-friendly event. Please consider your 
> carbon footprint in getting to the capitol. Moving Planet free bus passes are 
> available on our website.  Dress for the weather.
> Join us for Moving Planet: a day to rise to the challenge of the climate 
> crisis – to create a new sense of urgency and possibility for our planet.Bike 
> with us to the MN State Capitol. Gather with religious communities to become 
> one of the largest interfaith rallies in the history of the US climate 
> movement. Stand with us as we send the message: it's time to take bold action 
> for the climate.   See the schedule for the event below.
> Here are some ways you can get involved:
> 1.  Host a table or an activity at the event.  Fill out our partnership 
> participation form to reserve your spot.
> 2.  Share your creative talent and help with the planning. Join with our 
> diverse group. 
> Our next large group meeting is at Whittier Park (in Minneapolis) on Sept. 
> 14th at 6pm.
> 3. Spread the word! Print out some flyers on our website, and let people know 
> about this critical event. 
> 4. Join us on 9-24!   Invite your friends and members through our facebook 
> event pages:  Moving Planet Mass Ride and Moving Planet: Minnesota
> 5. Get your member/ customers to follow MN_350 or BikeMN350 on Twitter.    
> ***
> 11AM:  Mass Ride bike event starting @ Stone Arch Bridge (for more 
> information, check out their Facebook event 
> page:!/event.php?eid=263274990368117&notif_t=event_invite)
> 2 PM:  Start of Interfaith Procession with short program to kick things off @ 
> Cass Gilbert Memorial Park located on the corner of Sherburne Ave and Cedar 
> Street in Saint Paul. (Heart of the Beast Puppets included)
> 2 PM: Official start of the event @ the State Capitol (Resource Fair, Kites, 
> art, frisbee, yoga, music)
> 3 PM: Mass Ride and Interfaith Procession will arrive @ the Capitol lawn.
> 3:15-4:45 PM: Program designed to examine the many dimensions of the climate 
> movement and inspire us to action with music, dance, and spoken word.
> 4:45-8 PM: Party! The New Primitives, Alicia Wiley, and others will play a 
> concert.
> *350 ppm (parts per million) is what many scientists, climate experts, and 
> progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for 
> CO2 in our atmosphere (we are now at 394ppm). This is the number for which to 
> strive, and this event on September 24th we hope will mark the official start 
> toward a better, cleaner, and "greener" future!

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