Now that the Black-headed Grosbeak is now apparently gone from Pat
Thomas' feeder in Duluth, she wanted me to post the following e-mail
to MOU-net. By the way, note that the bird was actually last seen on
January 7, a day after Pat personally saw it (see second photo at
. Kim Eckert
Begin forwarded message:
From: Pat Thomas <>
Subject: black-headed grosbeak
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010, 6:14 PM
We'd like to let people know that the black-headed grosbeak in our
yard was last seen on Wednesday, 6 January from 4:05-4:15, eating
black-oil sunflower seeds on 'his' tree-stump feeder near the cedar
It was pure joy to host this special bird and to meet some of the
people who came to see him. It taught us that each moment of each
day is important. If i may, I'd ask you to please do everything you
can to protect habitat for birds and people. Purchasing a duck stamp
at your local post office is one way to help.
If we see this young male grosbeak again in our yard we'll let you
John and Pat Thomas
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