I have to second Al Batt's comments about backyard birding today. While enjoying a glass of vintage Vella burgundy boxed wine on the deck around si
         2 Indigo Buntings
         1 1st year female N Oriole
         1 Gray Catbird
         1 female RB Grosbeak
         1 Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
         8 Harris'  Sparrow
         5 male Northern Oriole- 1 1st year
         1 male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
         1 White-Throated Sparrow
         4 White-Crowned Sparrows
         Eastern Bluebird
         Blue Jay
         Chipping Sparrow
         Hairy WP
         Downy WP
         BC Chickadee
         House Wren
         Lincoln's Sparrow
         WB Nuthatch
         Tree Sparrow
         Brown-Headed Cowbird
         Red-Wing Blackbird
         Mourning Dove
         30 American Goldfinch- almost all males
         1 pair Northern Cardinal
There are many more Harris' Sparrows than seen. Their music surrounded the house early this morning. What a great way to wake up! There was a pair of Greater White-Fronted Geese on the Maple R. WMA on May 5 did not see them last two days in brief visits.

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN

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