This afternoon and evening I've been treated to visits by a pa
Hi All,

This afternoon and evening I've been treated to visits by a pair of very 
orange-red legged green herons, who have been fishing on my little marsh.  I 
watched one bird move up and down the edge, dropping a leaf onto the surface of 
the water.  I only saw the method work one time, as it grabbed a little minnow 
and quickly swallowed it's prize. I've observed this "fishing" behavior one 
other time - about 15 years ago when I was working at Tamarac Refuge, and 
decided to eat my lunch along the river.  Needless to say, my 1/2 hour lunch 
break ran a little long that day!

This evening's backyard serenade includes the combined voices of rose-breasted 
grosbeak, Baltimore oriole, yellow warbler - and the newly featured singer, 
scarlet tanager.  Life is good.

The Discovery Channel begins a 7-part series on Sunday night called, "North 
America."  It looks amazing - I have my DVR set to record.  I watched the sneak 
peak about prairie chickens, and it was pretty cool (with the perk of Tom 
Selleck is narrating - woo hoo!).  Here's the link for more info:

Betsy Beneke

Donovan Lake area
St. Cloud/Benton County

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