This afternoon I visited Summit Ledges at Hawk Ridge (Summit Ledges is one
of the rocky outcrops along the northern edge of the Hawk Ridge trails). I
hawkwatched there by myself to just soak up the late autumn views and
simply take it easy this afternoon.  If you're ever in Duluth, and need a
walk through the gorgeous woods, that leads to a breathtaking view; Summit
Ledges is the place to be! Below is my eBird list from this afternoon at
the ridge.

Mallard  1
Bald Eagle  11
Red-tailed Hawk  14     One of the fourteen RTs observed was a dark morph.
Rough-legged Hawk  2
Golden Eagle  1
American Crow  2
Common Raven  1
Black-capped Chickadee  3
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
Snow Bunting  2
American Tree Sparrow  1
Pine Grosbeak  1
White-winged Crossbill  2
Evening Grosbeak  3

Here are some of my shots from this afternoon. Enjoy!

Evening Grosbeaks in flight (distant shots, but identifiable)

Golden Eagle

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk

Late-autumn view from Summit Ledges

Throughout the past few nights, I have been hearing some impressive
movements of songbirds overhead. I am new to nocturnal flight calls, but
two calls that I was hearing regularly was the daytime "krip" of the Red
Crossbill, and the soft, cute-toned "chew" of the Snow Bunting. Again, I'm
not sure if the daytime flight calls are the same as the nocturnal calls,
but both sounded right-on for the two species' daytime flight calls.

Good birding!
Erik Bruhnke
Duluth, MN

*NATURALLY AVIAN* - Guided Birdwatching Trips and Bird photography

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