The last three days have had a large influx of birds in the park with over
80 species being seen, including 18 species of warblers.  Tonight I found
at least 7 different Golden-winged Warblers, 1 Brewster Hybrid and 5
different Black-throated Green Warblers at different areas of the park.
Philadelphia, Blue-headed, Yellow-throated and Warbling Vireos have been
seen along with Great Crested, Least and Olive-sided Flycatchers. Other
migrants have included Eastern Towhee, Lincoln's Sparrows, Brown Thrasher,
Swainson's, Hermit and Gray-cheeked Thrush and many Blue-gray
Gnatcatchers. Our resident Sora and Virginia Rails are back along with
4-5 Black-crowned Night-herons and Green Herons.

Scott B. Meyer
Hennepin County

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