I had the pleasure of meeting some birding legends in the Sax/Zim  Bog today. 
 I learned new words, gained insight into subspecies, and  had an all round 
good time getting very cold from the waist down :)   There was a Hoary Redpoll 
that would occasionally come into the Admiral Rd.  feeder and I am posting the 
best image that I was able to get of the bird in the  Showcase section of 
MOU,  (as promised :)  The image is not as sharp  as I would like, but I think 
the image still clearly shows a Hoary  Redpoll.  And again, I would like to 
publicly thank Jason Mandich for  getting the Admiral Rd. feeder going, he's a 
cool dude, of course that does not  suprise me being that he is from Hibbing, m
any cool dudes come from  Hibbing!
Take care out there.
Shawn Zierman.
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