On Saturday three of us birded Beaver Creek State Park and Ferndale Ridge WMA 
in Houston County. Not a lot of warblers but there were 2 Louisiana waterthrush 
on the Big Spring trail at Beaver Creek. A possible Acadian Flycatcher on the 
valley trail. Only sang once and sounded like Acadian but to short to be sure. 
The image I got looks good as well but can't be sure. At Ferndale the Bobolinks 
are nesting in fields of clover and pop out then settle back in and there is 
little tall grass for them to sit up on. There is a lot of brush clearing and a 
nice hedgerow is now gone. Of note 2 yellow-billed cuckoo passed by and settled 
briefly in a tall tree edge.

On Friday I saw 4 vireo species (yellow-throated, blue-headed, red-eyed and 
warbling) as well as Gray-cheeked and Swainson's thrush and Veery at 
Forestville State Park.

Mike Henry

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