This is sort of a tongue-in-cheek subject line as nary a birder showed up for 
today's Itasca County field trip!  I expected a few individuals, but I sat 
there in the parking lot of the Civic Center and nobody showed!  (Must have 
been the cold--preregistration will be required for next year's trips.)  So, I 
did what any self-respecting birder would do and went out by myself.  Even 
though we would have tried them as a group, I skipped the Northern Shrike and 
Three-toed Woodpecker spots from yesterday since I had already seen those 
birds.  Here's how I did:


Black-billed Magpie (1) - Priem Rd

Hoary Redpoll (1) - Priem Rd, just submitted documentation

Evening Grosbeak (several) - feeders in Effie

Common Grackle (1) - same feeder setup as the second Itasca winter 
sighting ever of this species

Gray Jay (2) - Alder Rd at the suet feeders

Brown Creeper (1) - Alder Rd hanging near the feeders (but not using them)

Barred Owl (1) - roosting right above the Alder Rd feeders!

White-winged Crossbill (many) - Alder Rd and a lone female actually eating at 
the same feeder as the Evening Grosbeaks with Pine Siskins and Common Redpolls 
also hanging on it!


Pine Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins, and Common Redpolls in good numbers.  All finch 
species mentioned were present at the feeders in Effie.  Lots of redpolls in 
Bigfork.  Oddly, after a banner Boreal Chickadee day yesterday, I missed this 
species despite nearly an hour of watching the Alder Rd feeders.  


Finally, a lone House Sparrow at the awesome Effie feeders (don't worry, I have 
met and spoken with the homeowner) was so much of a surprise (I've never seen 
one in Effie) I had to check it twice to make sure I didn't have a county-first 
Eurasian Tree Sparrow.  The feeders AT the Effie Cafe were also pretty busy 
with finches.  

Shawn Conrad  

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