Thanks to many wonderful volunteers (and Thomas Maiello’s enthusiastic state 
fair promotional emails) we only have 5 spots left open.
Please contact me or go online to sign up for one of the following shifts 
before they are gone.
8/26 Thursday 5-9 p.m.
8/31 Tuesday 5-9 p.m.
9/3 Friday 1-5 p.m.
9/5 Sunday 5-9 p.m.
9/6 Monday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Volunteers will be receiving their state fair passes in the mail next week from 
Kate Kelnberger. 
Rich Peet and Thomas Maiello will be on call most of the state fair week to 
handle any MOU computer display questions.
The new displays look GREAT and we also have some fun bird posters to hand out.
If you have any questions or suggestions-please don’t hesitate to contact any 
one of us. 
And…we WILL have info on woodpeckers pecking on houses in case you get asked 
that question.
Thank you all and I hope you all have a great weekend of birding, confusing 
fall warblers and all-
Jen Vieth
MOU Google Calendar Instructions
1 (
2. Click "Sign In" on the top right hand corner of your screen.
(you must move your cursor over that section of the page to have those options 
show up)
3. Sign in using "mouvolunteer" as your "email" and "ilovemou" as your 
4. Click the "more" drop down menu item located at just about the G in Google 
along the top of your screen. (You must move your cursor to the top of the 
screen again)
5.  Click "Calendar" from the drop down menu.
6.  You will see a calendar centered on today's date.  Scroll through until 
you get to August 26th 2010 where you will start to see the MOU booth shifts 
in red.
7.  Click on the shift that you want to sign up for.  I find that clicking on 
the actual word "Shift 1"(or 2 or 3) is the quickest and easiest.  
8.  Write your name after "shift 1, 2, or 3", in the "what" box at the top of 
the form.  
9. Click "save"
10. Log out (on top right hand corner of the screen).

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