The morning on Lake Waconia off Hwy 10 and just after the Turn onto Hwy 30
there's a dirt road heading E to a small trailer park. There's open water
there and I saw Trumpeter Swans, rafts of Greater Scaup, Mallards and rafts
of Northern Shovelers.  Thought I saw a couple of Redheads too but the birds
were back-lit and hard to ID. I circled the lake and saw Redwing Black Birds
in every marsh; also off Hwy 10 between the turn to Hwy 30 and the North
Shore Road I saw saw Buffleheads and Canada Geese.  Next to Hwy 5 just off
the Laketown Parkway there's a small marsh across from a small church and
there were Killdeer, No. Shovelers and Canada Geese in the marsh. Behind
that marsh is a small lake where I saw Hooded Mergansers.

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