It appears the fall draw-down of Lake Byllesby has begun, with a few mud
flats visible from Lakeside cemetery.
Shorebirds present this morning:
Black-bellied Plover - 4
Greater Yellowlegs - 3
Long-billed Dowitcher -18
White-rumped Sandpiper- 2
Also a few dabblers.
Doug Kieser
Hennepin County
Lake Byllesby Has a good selection of shorebirds including 2 Hudsonian Godwits
and a Bairds Sandpiper today on the mud flats at the west end. Best accessed
from the county park off of hwy 88. Mostly lesser yellowlegs but also saw a few
greater YL, semipalmated plover, pectoral and spotted SP and
2 matches
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