A Tufted Titmouse made a single day  appearance at my brother's feeders in 
beautiful Hartland. One has been seen here  and there around town. Most 
often, near Hartland Evangelical Church. A neighbor  of the church, Millie 
Olson, just gave me a photo of the titmouse. Eurasian  Collared-doves are also 
near the church.  
A Trumpeter Swan is floating on the slice of the Shell Rock River passing  
through Glenville. It's keeping company with three Canada Geese. River 
otters in  the same area. 
Rusty Blackbird at a feeder near the former city of Bath. Residents of Bath 
 read that most accidents occur within two miles of home, so they have all 
moved  somewhere safer, leaving a ghost town. 
Millie and Dale Westland of Hayward reported a Snowy Owl along Highway  46 
near Albert Lea Lake at a spot fondly referred to as “the dip in the  road.”
I saw a Varied Thrush in rural Hartland. It is coming to a spot where 
pheasants  are being fed. If anyone is interested in seeing this bird, I can 
you a  phone number. The landowner is not interested in giving carte 
blanche access to  his property. 
An injured Great Horned Owl is at the Raptor Center thanks to the kindness 
of  Clyde Bonnema, Lee and Jodi Loverink, and Larry and Sylvia  Zevenbergen. 
An  injured Freeborn County Red-tailed Hawk did not survive a trip to the 
There  are a couple of male Red-winged Blackbirds at my feeders.   
Joe Conley and I spotted a Wood Duck in  small waterway near Pickerel Lake. 
Each winter brings something that makes  me go "Hmmmm." This year it is the 
many photos I have received of Pileated  Woodpeckers sent to me by people 
in Albert Lea, Austin, Owatonna, Faribault, and  Mankato. Either more people 
are noticing or this lovely feathered friend is  becoming more of a feeder 
bird each year. 
The Hormel Nature Center in Austin will  be celebrating its 40th 
Anniversary this year. There will be many  events taking place throughout the 
year and 
the Hormel Nature Center is always a  good stop for a traveler. 
My thanks to Bob Holtz and the MOU for making it possible for me to present 
 binoculars to a fine young man at United South Central  School.  
In Waseca County, there is a small  flock of Eurasian Collared-Doves near 
the grain elevator on the north side of  New Richland. 
In Steele County, Eurasian Collared-Doves are seen as birds about town in  
There are so many Eurasian Collared-Doves around that I predict that one of 
our  local high schools will change its team's nickname to the fighting 
Eurasian  Collared-Doves. 
Al  Batt
Your Hartland  correspondent

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