After reading about the Harlequin Duck on
Wisbirdn<> (Rory
Cameron) and on MouNet <> (Steve Weston)
the past two days I walked the Mississippi River No 4 Lock and
Dam dike today outside of Kellogg MN toward Alma WI.  Unfortunately I did
not find the targeted species, but a couple of interesting waterfowl
remained none the less.  A single American Coot, Pied-billed Grebe, and
female Hooded Merganser were seen entering the lock on the Wisconsin side
of the river.  The first two birds started on the MN side of the water and
then swam over (presumably from my influence), whereas the last was only
observed in the open water of the WI side along the lock wall.

I walked down and across the frozen water to the island where 30+ Bald
Eagles were roosting and scoped the dam for a resting Harlequin, but was
unsuccessful in my search between noon and 2. I did not view the lock from
the WI side, perhaps the bird was in that open water within the lock ...but
of course that is only speculation and I am unsure whether you can view the
lock itself.

 Hoping the bird had moved elsewhere along the river I scanned open water
south at Lock and Dam No 5 and No 5A as well as open water north
at Wabasha to Reeds Landing but was unable to find a Harlequin.  A pair of
Black Ducks were seen at the very south end of Lake Pepin, many Trumpeter
Swans and a male Hooded Merganser were at Reeds Landing.  Redpolls along
the Kellogg dike and a handful of Snow Buntings along MN 81 rounded out the
highlights of the mileage today before returning to Winona, where a
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker flew across Harbor Drive just before turning
onto Prairie Island Rd.

Malcolm Gold (Stockton, Winona County)

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