I agree with  Jim Gay

Ron Miller
Fargo ND

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:mou-...@lists.umn.edu] On Behalf Of MOU-NET
automatic digest system
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:10 AM
Subject: MOU-NET Digest - 14 Feb 2010 to 15 Feb 2010 (#2010-18)

There are 6 messages totalling 195 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Bad  news in Zax-Zim bog.
  2. Sax-Zim; Sunday, and the near future
  3. thanks
  4. age and sex of American Goldfinches
  5. Good News for the Sax Zim Bog (2)

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Date:    Mon, 15 Feb 2010 10:14:42 -0600
From:    runbic <run...@comcast.net>
Subject: Bad  news in Zax-Zim bog.

I seriously doubt that a few deer rib racks hanging in the bog has any =
affect on wolves'  behavior.  However, all you have to do is tell some =
people that it does and they will go ballistic without checking the =
facts. Sometimes government agencies don't do their homework either.

The birding community needs to sit down with the DNR and establish what =
is factual.  For example:
    1. How many complaints did the DNR receive?
    2. Are they valid?
    3. Is there any evidence that wolves have been at the deer ribs - =
tracks,                    teeth marks, etc?
    4. Wolves inhabit the area. What evidence is there that indicates =
the deer ribs
        change or affect wolf behavior?

It wouldn't hurt to have local officials and politicians involved. If =
the DNR's decision is going to have an adverse effect on the Zax-Zim =
birding festival, there should be some locals willing to get involved.

The DNR may want to have some control over where the deer ribs are =
placed.  That would help get them on our side.

Jim Gay

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Date:    Mon, 15 Feb 2010 11:59:06 -0600
From:    linda whyte <bi...@moosewoods.us>
Subject: Sax-Zim; Sunday, and the near future

Despite shared disappointment over the DNR's dismantling of the
feeding stations on public property, a birding companion and I enjoyed
a fine day in the bog Sunday.  The dismantled station sites were still
being visited by a large number of birds, some of them seed-eaters,
and others still seeking animal protein. Perhaps the latter will
eventually spend more time at residential feeder sites that offer
suet. In any case, I would encourage others to continue visiting the
area to bird; there are many species to be seen that don't necessarily
frequent the feeding stations. The hawk owl, eagle, ravens, even the
Snow Buntings, and White-winged Crossbills we saw are examples. We saw
just as many gray jays on the railroad tracks as at feeders. The
majority of pine siskins and redpolls we saw were at feeding stations,
but also fed in trees, as did the pine grosbeaks. The evening grosbeak
was an exception, as the only one seen yesterday happened to be at a
feeder, but they're often unpredictable at any given location;
likewise, the Great Grey Owls, Magpie, and Spruce Grouse that eluded
us. We'd probably have to spend time hiking and do some pishing to
find the Black-backed woodpeckers and Boreal Chickadees we missed on
this trip, too, but there were plenty of other birds to compensate for
the misses.
It's important to engage the DNR in discussion and express our support
for the feeding stations and the use of carcasses. In the meanwhile,
we should continue to show the local residents who have welcomed us,
that we appreciate the marvelous natural resource they have in their
environment, as well as their hospitality.
Linda Whyte

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Date:    Mon, 15 Feb 2010 13:13:23 -0600
From:    Randy Frederickson <fredericks...@willmar.k12.mn.us>
Subject: thanks

As Paul Budde, Dave Cahlander (and others?) wrestle with list serve issues,
I wanted to take a moment to publicly thank them and ALL MOU  volunteers for
their many hours of dedication and commitment to making the MOU such a
wonderful organization.  Carl Greiner and whomever else tabulated all the
CBC results and put together the recent article in the LOON did a huge
amount of work.


Randy Frederickson 

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Date:    Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:20:32 -0600
From:    dan&erika <daner...@gmail.com>
Subject: age and sex of American Goldfinches

Hi All--

I was able to band birds this morning for the first time in 2010 and caught
about a dozen American Goldfinches.  I posted my techiques for telling age
and sex of winter goldfinches in the field on my blog,


Dan or Erika Tallman
Northfield, Minnesota

".... the best shod travel with wet feet"
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ...."--Thoreau

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Date:    Mon, 15 Feb 2010 16:08:53 -0600
From:    James Almquist <jrqu...@hotmail.com>
Subject: Good News for the Sax Zim Bog

There has been contact with the DNR from the office that put the posting =
in the bog and they have no problem with the seed feeders and suet can be=

put up as well but they just do not want rib cages. There is plenty of se=
on the ground and the hanging feeders will be up soon with both seeds and=

suet for all the birds  to enjoy. For what ever reason there seemed to be=

more Redpolls at the feeders on Admiral and Arkola on Sunday as well as s=
White-winged Crossbills which was a pleasant surprise.

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Date:    Mon, 15 Feb 2010 16:56:49 -0600
From:    linda whyte <bi...@moosewoods.us>
Subject: Re: Good News for the Sax Zim Bog

Thanks for the welcome news---common sense has prevailed.
Linda Whyte

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 4:08 PM, James Almquist <jrqu...@hotmail.com> wrote=
> There has been contact with the DNR from the office that put the posting =
> in the bog and they have no problem with the seed feeders and suet can be
> put up as well but they just do not want rib cages. There is plenty of se=
> on the ground and the hanging feeders will be up soon with both seeds and
> suet for all the birds =A0to enjoy. For what ever reason there seemed to =
> more Redpolls at the feeders on Admiral and Arkola on Sunday as well as s=
> White-winged Crossbills which was a pleasant surprise.
> ----
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End of MOU-NET Digest - 14 Feb 2010 to 15 Feb 2010 (#2010-18)

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