Junco flocks are surging and Song Sparrows are mixed in. 
Hey birders,

Junco flocks are surging and Song Sparrows are mixed in.  I had a single flock 
of Greater White-fronted Geese flying over Eagle Lake around noon and then 
hundreds of Snow Geese flying over Land of Memories City Park in the 
mid-afternoon.  Some of our volunteers at the Bethany Hawkwatch have been doing 
a spring count at that location and had over 100 birds on Sunday including a 
couple of Northern Goshawks (I was privileged to see one!), Northern Harrier, 
Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawks, Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, and Turkey 
Vulture.  One of the Red-tails was a dark-phase bird.  I also had a dark-phase 
Harlan's flying over Eagle Lake around 12:30pm.

To see daily counts at Land of Memories, check out  
https://hawkcount.org/siteinfo.php?rsite=704 and click on latest count data.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN
"But ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they 
will tell you; Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has 
done this?" --Job 12:7, 9

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