There's waterfowl migration underway today at lake Okabena in Worthington which
includes 4 species of Goose, 6 species of Duck as well as Trumpeter Swan.
There's been a steady migration of Greater White- fronted Geese while I've been
here today. One skein (flyover) had 5 Snow Geese. Also several
Subject: [mou-net] Migrants Friday at Elm Creek, Hennepin County
We took Jim Williams' advice and went to Elm Creek Park Reserve to look
for migrants on Friday morning. Most were found in small flocks
foraging in sunny edge habitat, where the vireos were feeding on
nannyberries a
We took Jim Williams' advice and went to Elm Creek Park Reserve to look
for migrants on Friday morning. Most were found in small flocks
foraging in sunny edge habitat, where the vireos were feeding on
nannyberries and graybark dogwood berries. We started from the Nature's
Crossing neighborhoo
This promised be a "birdy" day, when a Red-tailed Hawk showed up in the
cottonwood tree two yards over from ours. A whining squirrel and a raucous
Crow circling the cottonwood, gave away its presence before it departed. I
decided to attempt a good look at the Townsend Solitaire in Resurrection
even tho we still have at least three families of Baltimore Orioles still
voraciously feeding at jelly/suet/nectar we have migrants that have arrived.
this noon had Northern Waterthrush, Nashville Warbler and Connecticut Warbler.
Charlene Nelson
Elbow Lake farm
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Seen in the wooded area south of the main property, was a mixed wave that
included Swainson's Thrush; Blue-headed Vireo and Red-eyed Vireo; many RT
Hummingbirds; White-throated and Lincoln's Sparrows; probable Winter Wren;
and Black-and-white, Tennessee, Nashville, Orange-crowned, Magnolia,
There were a lot of migrants in the Roberts sanctuary in Minneapolis
mid-morning on Monday -- at least 19 species of warblers, including 4 each
of Golden-winged and Bay-breasted along with more common species. There were
still Palm, Orange-crowned, and Yellow-rumped, so maybe it's still early in
Despite the fact that the western tip of Lake Superior is covered by pack ice
as far as the eye can see, there were still some brave birds present this
morning...of note were the following recent arrivals...
Bonaparte's Gull - a minimum of 550
Harris's Sparrow - two along the roadside near the b
Conny Brunell's post inspired a return trip to Randolph Industrial Park
where we enjoyed close looks at the many Greater White-Fronted Geese on the
north pond. Numerous others passed overhead going to and from L. Byllesby.
Also productive were the farm fields with low-lying wet area,s where
Lots of species flying along the Mississippi near Hastings.
100 or more common Mergansers in the river.
White pelicans flew overhead
Many ring-billed gulls
A few Hooded Metgansers on Lake Rebecca
Many eagles along the river
Mourning doves arrived at my feeders today - grackles and many black b
I found an Orange-crowned Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, a Clay Colored
Sparrow and so much more while hiking through the Aubudon Center of the
Northwoods' trails this morning. This Audubon center and its property is
located near the town of Sandstone. eBird list from this morning is below!
A 45 minute walk, roughly 8:45-9:30 a.m., this morning at the Sucker Creek
area produced 27 species. Those of some note included Trumpeter Swan,
Pied-billed Grebe, Winter Wren, Hermit Thrush, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Fox
Sparrow, Lincoln Sparrow and Rusty Blackbird. The trail begins at the
parking l
Hi All--
Erika and I banded a Yellow-beliied Sapsucker today as it attempted to
drink from our water feature. Apparently the literature maintains that
sapsuckers get most of their water from their sap wells. A photo of the
bird, a rather handsome male, is posted on my blog:
My family was camping at Glendalough State Park this weekend. I believe
Glendalough is in Otter Tail Co. We observed a northern harrier, american tree
sparrows, hooded mergansers, gadwalls, ring-necked ducks, green winged teal,
common goldeneyes, wood ducks, cackling geese, and horned larks in
A coworker and I camped on Snow Bay on Lac La Croix on Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, returning via Crane Lake this morning. Those strong north winds
have started pushing in more migrants. I didn't have much of a chance to
bird, and didn't get to sort through the warblers much (though I could tell
Well the weather pattern was perfect to create a fall out situation for
along Park Point in Duluth, MN. I personally saw 24 species which includes 2
Black-throated Blue Warblers and a cooperative Connecticut Warbler. My misses
included Pine Warbler and a Blackburnian Warbler. I know
neapolis Minnesota
> (Via BlackBerry)
> - Original Message -
> From: Minnesota Birds
> Sent: Sat May 14 13:18:00 2011
> Subject: [mou-net] Migrants up north (St Louis co)
> In spite of (or perhaps because of) the unpleas
eeing them?
Thanks for the input.
Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna Guzy & Steffen
Minneapolis Minnesota
(Via BlackBerry)
- Original Message -
From: Minnesota Birds
Sent: Sat May 14 13:18:00 2011
Subject: [mou-net] Migrants up
In spite of (or perhaps because of) the unpleasant weather conditions, our yard
has been swarming with migrants for the last few days, including a male summer
tanager (seen and photographed yesterday by Heidi and new for our yard list;
not present today) and 24 species of warbler (including blac
Hi all,
I spent a couple hours this morning at the Minnesota Valley NWR
visitor's center area (off State Hwy 5 near the MSP airport). It was
hopping with birds, and I found a really nice diversity of migrants,
especially sparrows and warblers. This was all in the area around the
parking lot
Hi All--
Erika and I do not visit Cannon Falls all that often. Nevertheless,
yesterday, for the second time in several years we observed a Bald Eagle in
one of the large cottonwoods in the city park. We suppose they may well be
regular there. We got close looks and photographs, which I have post
No rarities to report but birds passing through far outnumbered the locals on a
very birdy afternoon walk along the Reservoir Woods path in Roseville.
White-Throated Sparrows were abundant all along the trail, many seen, many more
heard. Golden-Crowned Kinglets were also numerous and close with
Drove along Vadnais Lake and walked at Sucker Creek this morning. There were
lots of migrants, including a number of White-throated Sparrows.
Bob Holtz
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Birding this morning at Westwood Hills Nature Park, in St. Louis Park
MN with Leslie Marcus and Phoebe Bofferding turned out to be very
birdy for migrants. The area that had by far the most birds was the
area around the parking lot and in front of the port-O-Pot. We found
several Canada W
Scharr's Bluff, Spring Lake RP, Hastings
Eight species of warblers. Nice group of migrants. All found on sunny edges.
Migrants included:
-Male Prothonotary (photographed, first migrant of this species I can recall
ever seeing in MN.)
-Northern Parula (female)
-Canada (imm. male
On a trip up the Gunflint Trail this morning I heard and saw Winter Wrens at
several stops. Along the Lima Mountain Road I found a Boreal Chickadee and
Ruby-crowned Kinglet. As I drove along one of the gravel roads that lead
off the Gunflint, I came across a Woodcock right in the middle of the ro
It was no surprise to see again today a pair of sapsuckers including
our pine in their feeding rounds; their neighborhood sojourn seems to
last around 10 days in every migration period. However, it was a shock
to hear and see this first-ever in our yard: some red-winged
blackbirds--either very lost
Had a large flock (>20) of Fox Sparrows down along the river and 3 Brown
Creepers in one tree. A male Bufflehead was a nice addition.
A rejuvenated Jackson County Bird Club had a nice outing on Sunday, seeing lots
of waterfowl species. It was especially nice having good looks at Redheads and
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