Before moving to Calgary, Alberta, some time ago Mike Mulligan was one of 
Minnesota’s best and most active birders. His yard list was legendary (and 
broadly defined.)

 Mike is about to become 90 years old, and his family is planning a suitable 
celebration. If you would like to extend your greetings one of his children 
explains here how to do that.

> To capture the love of family and friends, we’re creating a Birthday Book 
> filled with best wishes from near and far, and we’d love to include as many 
> messages as possible.  Favourite stories and memories most welcome! Photos of 
> Mike and/or your adventures together would also be an awesome addition… and a 
> great memory booster. 
> Just send me an email (preferably by Nov 1, but all messages no matter when 
> they arrive will get to Dad), and we’ll print all your notes and photos to 
> create this book of love. 
> Thanks in advance for being a part of Mike's big birthday celebration. I know 
> he will be thrilled to hear from you, as he misses connections with friends 
> after retiring his "potoo" email address earlier this year. 

Please feel free to share this with others you think would like to contribute.  

Jim Williams

Everything’s fine until it’s not. And then everything goes to hell.
  — Doug Erwin, paleobiologist, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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