As preparations for the first Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas move ahead with
online data entry capability with Cornell's website scheduled for early
March, it behooves us not to overlook any existing opportunities for
documenting breeding birds.  Safe dates (those dates that encompass the
period when sightings/auditory reports most likely indicate a territorial
bird) are already operative for a handful of species.  Most obvious is the
Great Horned Owl (nestlings already reported in Wisconsin) hoooose safe
dates are 1/20 to 7/1.  Rock Pigeon and the two crossbills could also be
breeding now.  Anyone finding these species (auditory reports of a Great
Horned Owl in potential breeding habitat indicate at least a "possible"
please keep careful notes on where you found them so you can enter the data
once the website is activated.  Although the atlas' priority blocks are the
NE 9 square miles of a township (3x3 miles) reports from non-priority
blocks are welcome as well.  I usually just annotate my DeLorme atlas or
county atlas with an "x" and the bird's 4-letter code but any method will
work as long as you can put a mark on the map for the approximate location
(which 9 square mile block of a township--NE, SE, SW, or NW).  Eastern
Screech-owl safe dates begin in March with 3/20 to 8/10 safe dates.  Most
White-winged Crossbills seem to have moved or perhaps they are nesting and
have become rather quiet.  It would be nice to tally some breeding records
for this irregular species during this major invasion year.  Happy
atlasing.  Bob Russell
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