Colder day than normal (42-53 degrees) but we came up with 123 species.
Still very low with the warblers (7 kinds) and didn't get any Red Shouldered
hawks from the 4 usual sites. Worked real hard to get shore birds with the
most in the Upsala sewage ponds. Bowlus and Upsala ponds were overflowing
with Yellow Rumps and a few Yellow and Palm Warblers. Most waterfall came
from the Mississippi and the Bowlus, Sobieski, Flensburg, and Upsala sewage
ponds with only 13 regular species. All the regular Thrushes were found with
many Swainsons, less Gray Cheeked, 1 Hermit, 2 Wood, 1 Veery,good amount of
Blue Birds and tons of Robins. Heard 1 Woodcock and saw 2 Wilsons Snipe (not
sounding any more). White Throat Sparrows were coming through in large
amounts and picked up on some White Crowned and Harris Sparrows. The other
regular sparrows were in many places but no irregulars. A few Sedge Wrens
were calling with only 1 Marsh Wren reported. Got my first Indigo Bunting,
Black and White Warbler, and Rose Breasted Grossbeak of the year plus a few
Catbirds. Many Brown Thrashers have been showing up. Still waiting for the
Warblers. Soras are calling in many low lands and got 1 American Bittern.

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