On May 7th,  Milt Blomberg, Gerald Yourczek and I (Frank Gosiak) are taking
40 High School Students on a bird/photography outing to Lindbergh State
Park, Schoessling Edition, and Camp Ripley. We will be at Lindbergh’s
entrance at 8:30 where we will spend an hour and a half in the park. Then we
will go to Camp Ripley for 2 hours (DeParcque Woods and Skoglund
Environmental Center) and end at Schoessling for an hour and a half. If
anyone would like to join us and mentor some of these students with bird
identification and nature photography tips we would appreciate your help.
Contact Milt at 320-828-1171 or Frank 320-267-1667. You can also respond to
this message. I think it will be a good day to build up your lists for
Morrison County, or the year, and to influence some new bird enthusiasts. 
Thanks for your time. Frank

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