This Week. Many Yellow Rumped Warblers and Hermit Thrush. Wilson Snipe
flying in the lowlands (saw 9) in many places. Have come across  2 Great
Horned Owls and 2 Coopers Hawks.  The Mississippi just north of Little Falls
has Greater (a fair number) and Lesser Scaup along with a large number of
Red Heads. The Common Merganser have moved on but Buffllehead, Hooded
Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Canvasback, Pied billed Grebe, Horned Grebe are
still plentiful along with many Coot. Saw 1 Winter Wren in Lindbergh State
Park and a Peewee. A lot of Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers are around with
Flickers. The Osprey pair has been back at the tower by the dam in Little
Falls for the last 2 weeks. Shorebird numbers are still low and the only
other Warblers I have found are a few Pine Warblers that I heard. Looking
forward to the warbler migration and more shorebirds. At the Albany Sewage
Ponds there are many Scaup, a few Ringnecks, Canvasbacks, RedHeads, Ruddy
Ducks, and Buffleheads. Many Bonapart Gulls were also present. Water level
very high and no shorebirds are present.

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