Judy Chucker and I visited the strangely bare, un-leafed woods of
Murph-Hanrehan on the Scott-Dakota county line.  The birds were quiet,
mostly, but we had good views.  Blooming bloodroot and mayflowers were thick
along the trails.

Notable birds seen:  Clay-colored sparrow, Yellow-rumps, Swainson's Thrush,
Palm WA, Common loon, Catbird, YB Sapsucker, Ovenbird, Least Flycatcher,
Great-Cr flycatcher, Nashville WA, Golden-winged WA (several!), Hooded WA,
Redstart, Parula WA, Black&White WA, Yellow WA (many), Bluebirds

This morning, the Tennessee WA are singing in Wirth Park.
Claudia Egelhoff

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