A couple of days birding in the NW corner of Minnesota with my wife and son
were good for 147 species.  A few of the highlights are listed below:

Connecticut Warbler - singing in a tamarack bog just north of Norris Camp in
Lake of the Woods County
Dunlin (2), Wilson's Phalarope (2), Marbled Godwit (15+), Ruddy Turnstone
(1) - Greenbush sewage ponds in Roseau County
Long-eared Owl - still on the nest reported by Larry Wilebski in Kittson
County (also saw an Orchard Oriole at his amazing bird sanctuary and 5
Sharp-tailed Grouse on the county road (?) leading to it)

Whippoorwill - lots of them singing at Lake Bronson State Park in Kittson
before 4 am
Warblers! - major movement along Farmes Pool at Agassiz NWR in Marshall
County (included Tennessee, Wlson's, Orange-crowned, Palm, Blackpoll [most
I've ever seen!], Bay-breasted, Cape May [lots!] and also migrant
Yellow-bellied and Olive-sided Flycatchers and Gray-cheeked Thrush) [By the
way, don't go to Agassiz for waterfowl or shorebirds right now...but the
woods birds were really good at Farmes, the HQ, and the walking trail on the
Marbled Godwit and 6 Western Grebes - Thief River Falls sewage ponds in
Pennington County
Western Kingbird - 2 at the East Grand Forks sewage ponds in Polk County
(quite a few Franklin's Gulls and Canvasbacks there which we didn't find
Red-headed Woodpecker (3), Swainson's Thrush, several Tennessee Warblers,
dozens of Least Flycatchers concentrated (may have been other Empids as well
but I only heard Least), and a second-hand cuckoo report - Red River State
Rec Area in Polk

Shawn Conrad

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