Got up in the wee hours of the morning to run my Owl survey route for Hawk Ridge. Several Saw-whet Owls and Barred Owls were calling. I also believe that I might have heard a Great Gray Owl calling, although I hesitate to report it. The Owl was calling along the Nett Lake Road (CR 23) south of Orr. I heard a similar Owl calling from this location last year as I was doing the route. It was an extremely low hoot, 3 in a row, and then a period of silence. It hooted again several times, and always in the same manner. I did observe a Great Gray a couple years ago along this road.

Winnowing Snipes were very active this morning as were Woodcock. Hermit Thrush and Winter Wren have moved in over night.

Then it was on to another location at Hwy 73 and Gustafson Road north of Chisholm, where I observed dancing Sharp-tailed Grouse. It was on private property so I couldn't get really close, but there were about 10 birds interacting.

Saw a Meadowlark here that was calling and singing: "spring of the year". There are still patches of snow in the woods that just don't want to melt.

Dee Kuder
Crane Lake, MN

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